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PhD in Economics (2012, AUT, NZL)

Master of Commerce in Economics (2007, USP, FJI)

Postgraduate Diploma in Economics (2006, USP, FJI)

Bachelor of Education in Economics (2004, USP, FJI)




Professor, School of Economics, Auckland University of Technology, 2021- 

Associate Professor, School of Economics, Auckland University of Technology, 2015-2021 

Senior Lecturer, Department of Economics, Auckland University of Technology, 2012-2015

Lecturer, Department of Economics, Auckland University of Technology, 2010-2012 




Research Associate, Center for Applied Macroeconomic Analysis (CAMA), Australian National University (ANU), 2014-

Research Associate, New Zealand Center for Macroeconomics, Massey University, 2018-

Senior Research Fellow, Auckland Centre for Financial Research, 2019-








​​Bruschi, Claudia., D'Acunto, Francesco., Kumar, Saten., and Weber, Michael. (2025) "Subjective Models of Workers and Managers for Macroeconomic Expectations" accepted for publication in AEA Papers and ProceedingsCitations.


Weber, Michael., Candia, Bernardo., Afrouzi, Hassan., Ropele, Tiziano., Lluberas, Rodrigo., Frache, Serafin., Meyer, Brent., Kumar, Saten., Gorodnichenko, Yuriy., Georgarakos, Dimitris., Coibion, Olivier., Kenny, Geoff., and Ponce, Jorge. (2025) "Tell Me Something I Don't Already Know: Learning in Low and High-Inflation Settings," Econometrica, 93, pp. 229-264. NBER WP# 31489; CEPR DP# 18299; IZA DP# 16305. Citations.


​​Kumar, Saten., and Wesselbaum, Dennis. (2024) "Contracts and Firms' Inflation Expectations." Review of Economics and Statistics,106, pp. 246-255. Citations.


Kumar, Saten., Gorodnichenko, Yuriy., and Coibion, Olivier. (2023) "The Effect of Macroeconomic Uncertainty on Firm Decisions," Econometrica, 91, pp. 1297-1332. NBER WP# 30288; CEPR DP# 17495; IZA DP# 15449; VoxEU. Citations.


Coibion, Olivier., Gorodnichenko, Yuriy., Kumar, Saten., and Ryngaert, Jane. (2021) "Do  You Know That I Know You Know...? Higher Order Beliefs in Survey Data." Quarterly Journal of Economics, 136, pp. 1387-1446. NBER WP# 24987. Citations.


Coibion, Olivier., Gorodnichenko, Yuriy., Kumar, Saten., and Pedemonte, Mathieu. (2020) "Inflation Expectations A Policy Tool?," Journal of International Economics. 124, pp. 1-27. NBER WP# 24788. Citations. (Won the Calvo award 2022 for best paper in international macroeconomics)


Kumar, Saten.(2020) "Firms' Asset Holdings and Inflation Expectations." Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 170, pp. 193-205. Citations.


Coibion, Olivier., Gorodnichenko, Yuriy., and Kumar, Saten. (2018) "How Do Firms Form Their Expectations? New Survey Evidence," American Economic Review, 108, pp. 2671-2713. NBER WP# 21092. Citations


Kumar, Saten. (2016) “Is the U.S. Consumer Credit Asymmetric?Scottish Journal of Political Economy, 63, pp.194-216. Citations.


Kumar, Saten., Afrouzi, Hassan., Coibion, Olivier., and Gorodnichenko, Yuriy. (2015) "Inflation Targeting Does Not Anchor Inflation Expectations: Evidence from Firms in New ZealandBrookings Papers on Economic Activity , Fall Issue, pp. 151-225. NBER WP# 21814. Citations.


Paradiso, Antonio., Kumar, Saten., and Margani, Patricia. (2014) “Are Italian Consumer Confidence Adjustments Asymmetric? A Macroeconomic and Psychological Motives Approach,” Journal of Economic Psychology, 43, pp.48-63. Citations.




Citations               3119         

h-index                     25              

i10-index                  37               

Source: data reported from Google Scholar                               



This site was last updated on 16 February 2025


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